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Formula (Object)

Represents the formula relation.
The following example shows how to create a formula that computes the mass of a cuboid, given its geometric dimensions and the density of the material it is made of:
	Dim CATDocs As Documents
 Set CATDocs = CATIA.Documents
 Dim part1 As Document
 Set part1   = CATDocs.Add("CATPart")
 Dim width As RealParam
 Set width        = part1.Part.Parameters.CreateReal("width", 1.)  
 Dim height As RealParam
 Set height       = part1.Part.Parameters.CreateReal("height", 2.)  
 Dim depth As RealParam
 Set depth        = part1.Part.Parameters.CreateReal("depth", 3.)  
 Dim density As RealParam
 Set density      = part1.Part.Parameters.CreateReal("density", 1.5)  
 Dim mass As RealParam
 Set mass         = part1.Part.Parameters.CreateReal("mass", 0.)  
 Dim computemass As RealParam
 Set computemass = part1.Part.Relations.CreateFormula
                     "Computes the cuboid mass",  mass,

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